Showing posts with label Embers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Embers. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Igniting The Flickering Embers Posted By: Mandie Crawford

When I started my business four years ago the flames of passion were burning brightly igniting me into non-stop action. No one could convince me that I was going to burn out but I must admit while I didnt burn out, I did allow myself to reduce the flames of passion to burning embers.

It is so important to pace yourself and to recognize the warning signs before the flames start to dim. We go at such a fast pace trying to keep up with new technology, trends in our target markets, meeting production deadlines, replying to all of our e-mails and keeping up with communications with clients and potential clients that we forget to tune into the needs of our own core business in order to keep it hot.

If you feel stuck with where your business is at or have lost the passion that you once had when you jumped out of bed each morning, excited to get started at your business day, then try following these action steps to ignite yourself again:

1. Halt the Frantic Pace

The road to re-connecting with passion involves practicing good self-care. This means slowing down, spending time with yourself, taking good care of your body and mind and engaging in activities that will move you out of your head and into your body. Carving out time in your busy schedule for Yoga, Tai Chi, and Nia often result in increased clarity and focus.

2. Become Sensitive to Your Life

Once you have slowed down enough to get connected to your feelings, you will be ready to do a little exploring to discover the activities which really ignite your passions. For example, do you really like the promotion part of the business or do you prefer to stay in the office and manage the staff? Spend a week assessing what excites you and what frustrates you and at the end of that week analyze the results to see if a pattern is emerging.

3. Dare to Acknowledge Your Authentic Self

Take the results of your self-survey a step further. Start asking questions such as:

(a) Who do you know that is doing what you are doing now and from whom you could learn from to enhance your business success?
(b) Who do you know that is doing something you would like to do? Think about how it would feel if you offered this product or service too.
(c) Whats stopping you from moving forward with exploring new passions which emerge from your survey?
(d) What baby steps can you take to work on your new passions while sustaining your existing business?
(e) What courses could you take to learn more about the new business ideas you want to explore?
(f) What books could you read that would enlighten you and charge up your imagination?
(g) Where could you find financing to help you with the expenses you will incur exploring your new passions?

4. Be Brave Ask for Opinions

Ask at least 10 people what new product or service they would purchase from you. Treat this as a survey. Look for the common thread. Dont get caught up in analyzing or being sensitive about what they say. New and creative business ideas have resulted from being receptive to receiving constructive criticism and forthright suggestions.

5. Acknowledge your True Talents

Ask yourself What am I not recognizing in my life right now that is a true talent? Ask yourself how these talents could help you earn money in your business. So many people have specific knowledge but are hesitant to share it with others through avenues such as professional speaking.

Be prepared for that tiny voice inside that will be whispering words that you may not have acknowledged to this point. If you have the courage to listen, you may be giving birth to an entirely new business in the next year or two or adding a new product or service to your existing business.

6. Fake It Until You Make It

Now act out a scene in your mind as though you were already living your new passion. What does it look like? Are you in front of a microphone speaking to a large crowd or are you designing a new line of clothing? Try a different scene in your mind each morning as you wake or before you go to sleep and think about every detail what are you wearing and are you in your office or on stage? Faking it until you make it can really work for you if you have a positive mindset. You may also realize your dreams faster than you even imagined if you have unwavering faith in your ability to manifest your success.

7. Create the Vision and Work Backwards

When you finally have the exact scene in mind that you know would make you feel happy and fulfilled and which meets your entrepreneurial expectations, write out a business plan for that dream and work it backwards to today, creating baby steps for every action step you need to take. Make the first steps easy to accomplish. This will encourage you to gain momentum to keep striving to meet your objectives and goals.

8. Reframe the Present Moment & Project New-Found Passion

It is important to acknowledge that if you are currently stuck that state is what you needed to feel in order for you to acknowledge that slowing down was necessary. Reframe the present moment and then take action with the next planned step to fulfill your new-found passion. Businesses are always going through cycles and so do the owners. Expect it, prepare for it, experience it, learn from it and move on.

9. Budget Additional Time & Money

Remember that money is an energetic tool that is used to make positive changes in the world. Change your attitude towards money if need be. It is essential to have but be prepared to feel the pinch both in money and time while you are focusing on making your new passion a reality. Capitalize on any available resources you can tap into while you are keeping your existing business operating at peak performance. Perhaps your new passion involves finding a business partner who can help you and provide needed capital to fund the venture.

10. Carry the Entrepreneurial Torch

The most successful people are often those who have faith in their dreams and allow themselves the luxury of dreaming big even if the flames have started to burn down to embers. Avoid negative people who would like to dampen your fire. Keep a positive mindset through transformation and change.

Every entrepreneur will probably feel stuck at some point in their business it is their choice whether they put water on the embers and put their fire out or whether they will build the fire with renewed passion and carry their brightly lit torch demonstrating their courage and determination to believe in their dreams and passions.

Dont let your embers become ashes! Stoke the fire and create a blaze!

"One of the keys to effective communication and dispute resolution is understanding ourselves and how we think and also understanding how others are wired as well. Each of us has personality styles that are unique to ourselves - however there are also patterns as well. When you understand the differing personality styles and their blends - you begin to see people as they are with more understanding! For more information on understanding personality styles please contact Mandie at"