allows you to select and print free grocery coupons for brand-name products. These are the same type of coupons you clip from the Sunday newspaper. Create an account by providing your name and e-mail address, select as many coupons as you like, then install the site's free Coupon Printer software to send them to your printer. During a recent visit, there were more than 70 coupons offered, including $1 off four boxes of DeCecco pasta, $1 off two General Mills cereals, 75 cents off Arm & Hammer toothpaste, 50 cents off Motrin, $1.50 off two GE lightbulbs, 50 cents off Children's Tylenol, $1 off two bags of Eight O'Clock coffee, $1.50 off Opti-Free Express contact lens solution, $3 off OxiClean
baby laundry detergent, $1 off three Hamburger Helpers, $1 off One-a-Day vitamins, $1 off any Aleve and a free Yoplait yogurt when you buy six. The offers you see will vary, of course, as they change constantly. also provides special coupon deals if you are willing to provide more information about yourself in short consumer surveys. Finally, you can download a
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