Thursday, February 23, 2012

Honda Owner Wins Small Claims Suit Posted By: Bobby Castro

Heather Peters was the owner of a 2006 Civic Hybrid filed suit against the Japanese carmaker for fuel economy deficiencies in the unit she had purchased. The claim was filed in small claims court, a deviation from the class action suit filed against the company. Unlike her counterparts, she has since been awarded $9,867 in damages by the court for her claim.In a telephone interview, Peters said, "Maybe I'm Don Quixote tilting at windmills. But I'm hoping that what I'm doing helps the little guy have a better chance at getting justice." She may need a lot more as the company is expecting to appeal the judgment award of the small claims court.In her claim, Peters said that her car never fulfilled the fuel economy of 51 miles per gallon on the highway and 46 mpg in city roadways as proclaimed in the promotional materials of Honda. She claimed that her vehicle was only able to get 28 mpg compared to the promoted 50 mpg.She further added, "The advertising brochure said, 'Drive it like you would a normal Civic'. Now they say it takes special driving skills to achieve that mileage.Civic Hybrid]]> Honda]]> electric car]]> small claims court]]>

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